Charles Reed Cagle

Charles Reed Cagle

Colorado Springs,CO

Charles Reed Cagle was born in 1962 in Clarksville, Texas, and raised there until he was a teenager. Over the past 30 years, Mr. Reed Cagle and his wife, Donna, have been happily married. Kinlaw Oil Corporation hired Mr. Reed Cagle in 1986, and he has been with the company ever since. To help start an independent energy company in Dallas, Texas, in 1996 he left. Since its inception in 1997, Mr. Cagle has held the positions of President and CEO of both Heartland Energy, Inc. and HEI. Drilling and servicing businesses, geophysicists and other experts in the energy industry were all brought in to help him with the project. For his efforts in the drilling industry, Charles built and funded a 2000 horsepower drilling rig that could drill 20,000 feet deep.

Charles entered the mining business in the United States and South America in 2011. This mining concession in Oregon yielded more than 89,000 ounces of gold, making it a wise investment on his part. Charles has been involved in the financing and day-to-day management of a copper and gold processing factory in Copiapo, Chile. He developed a technology for removing and neutralizing poisonous substances from liquids while still reclaiming precious metals from mines as a result of this effort. In Copiapo, this technology is being tested, and it has the potential to be employed in mining operations around the world. When Charles Reed Cagle returned to Texas, he began working with many mid-sized independent oil businesses to streamline operations and direct his clients to lower-risk horizontal prospects in Colorado and Texas. Besides oil and gas companies, he also advises a significant commercial landscaping firm in East and Central Texas. Reed enjoys spending time outdoors, fishing, and cycling in his own time.